Interactive Exports

Visualizations can be exported as standalone interactive figures for embedding in webpages, public presentations, and scientific journals. Once LIVE is fully built-out, selected views from LIVE Environments (e.g. using Solara Server), will also be directly share-able in both scholarly and popular outlets.

Webpages for sharing science 🪐

Star Formation on the Local Bubble, as seen in Nature, 2022

The discovery that the 1000-light-year-wide "Local Bubble" surrounding the Sun and Earth is responsible for the formation of all nearby, young stars was first presented in a paper published in Nature on January 12, 2022, by Zucker et al.  The paper's exploratory visualization, and figures like the interactive sample below, all relied on the glue software.  The interactive figures were singled-out as a key innovation in much of the media coverage, including a feature in the New York Times. 

Below is a gif showing some of the available interactions from one of the key figures from this paper; the full interactive figure is here.

Augmented Reality and Interactive Figures 🪐

The Perseus-Taurus Superbubble, as seen in ApJ Letters, 2021

In 2021, an international team of astronomers including glue solutions' founders, used glue to discover the "Perseus Taurus Superbubble," shown below as an interactive figure exported from glue to  This figure appears in Bialy et al. 2021, and the scannable QR codes embedded in it represent the first use of Augmented Reality in an American Astronomical Society Journal.

Below is a gif showing some of the available interactions from one of the key figures from this paper; the full interactive figure is here.